Monday, April 18, 2005

My dreams are more interesting than the life I'm leading now. I dreamt I was pregnant last nite. I looked down and there was a ball-like belly. And then it disappeared. The only other time I dreamt I was pregnant was a couple years back. I was pregnant, gave birth to a daughter who grew up in a day (!) and went off. Weird. Last night in my dreams there was also a big house with many rooms, and a hidden big room. There was also a field with tall grass. Also dreamt of going with Jonathan and Kristy to some underground food court and buying them dim sum from the stalls including prata, mushrooms and 2 other kinds of dim sum I couldn't identify. Weird.

What am I doing in real life? Trying to study for upcoming exams and playing warcraft in between. Trying to get Fudz to hook me up with fellow gamers of his. Oops I shouldn't be distracted so much...

My sea monkeys seem to be stunted. Sea monkey expert Ziyuan's boyfriend says that its because its cold here...I think they look like swimming woodlice, Andrew says they look like tiny angels, Ziyuan says they look like combs...

Felt strange after waking up today. Maybe its because I slept 14 hours. Maybe I should just go back to sleep. Or not. Feel better after eating. Back to the books (bacteria, yay!).

Peace, out.


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