Tuesday, August 24, 2004

A day in vet clinic is in the shape of a "U".
Attached to general practice today, (yes the same sort of thing as in humans).
Helen is so nice and helpful, she'll call me to consults and tell me what to look out for like endoscopies. Well by the time I got there they were doing an endo of the ceiling...
Got in early today to clean the cat ward. Yay! The kitty with the toothache was purring away and the boy next door was awake and incredibly affectionate, ribbing himself against me. The CAT the CAT! What were you thinking?
Rounds just flew over my head. As usual. But this time I looked out for the cases I handled yesterday. Been looking in on them ever so often, feel like they are my own sometimes.
A banana of a dog came in for a castrate today. The male owner preferred to call it a neuter... The dog was practically bouncing off the walls, little wonder it had "Horner's syndrome". One side of his face was all floppy, possibly due to trauma to his head by being too energetic at his very first visit to the vet. How ironic... They got him sedated for X-ray, almost as if he had been not. Then I got to see my very first castrate! And I got to wear green scrubs for the very first time! And I got to help in monitoring anesthesia for the very first time! Cool! This doggy had very big balls...now they're all gone...He practically bounced out of anaesthesia after that. As if nothing happened to him.
A big old slow bulldog came in with Cushing's disease, a problem with the adrenal glands, happens in people too.
The Helen yanked the teeth out of toothache kitty. Before that she nearly gave us all a scare by nearly dying on the operating table. Couldn't even feel a heartbeat! That's why now I think being an anesthesiologist, you hold the difference between life and death in your hands. Poor little kitty had to wake up in ICU. When she did she growled and scratched me. Well and alive that one is.
Lulled in the afternoon. Got so bored I cleaned out so many cages and walked so many dogs. Now I realise I don't really like walking dogs even though I love them to bits. Maybe I AM more of a cat person. I even walked what I thought was a jack russel terrier gone wrong and overgrown. Turns out it was a baby greyhound. Couldn't tell with all the baby fat. O well. At least I can tell the difference between a dog and cat. I hope. ; P
More consults came in for gp in the evening. Guess that's when all the owners start knocking off work. Got to see to pretty kitties. I never knew there was an Australian breed of cat! Saw another big doggy. Then Helen started to 'chase' me home. Hey what can I say, I really like being there when things are going on, I was almost sorry to leave. I would live in the clinic if I didn't have anything else to do. This is the best kind of experience anybody aspiring to be a vet can get.


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