Monday, June 03, 2013

When Someone Recognises You But...

You can't quite remember who they are, or where you know them from. At times like this, Google Glass with facial recognition would have been so useful. Up til now I am still not entirely convinced about my recollection about this person. Google Glass, hurry up and go public!

Monday, February 18, 2013

You've Been Doing Science Too Long When:

You hear the word "media" and think of tea-coloured fluid that grows cells and tissues. Instead of Facebook and such.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to Tell When You Have Been in Science For Too Long

In the shower

I see air bubbling through my Body Shop mini bath wash bottle and think:

"What a pretty phospholipid bilayer!"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Best Alarm Clock Ever

My Cat

The time is 3AM in the morning, I wake up to the violent sounds of my cat making loud horrible retching/choking/hiccupping noises. Right above my head.

I look sleepily at my cat and he stops.

Just when I thought he was ok and I plonked back onto the sofa, he starts up again.

I turn on the lights to look at him properly and realise and there is cat puke EVERYWHERE.

It didn't help that mum gave in to his "pitiful" meows and fed him more last night. He is already overweight for goodness sake.

Following the trail of regurgitated food and saliva, I stumble upon...a dead cockroach with a few missing legs.

Meow meow must have killed the roach and swallowed some legs which made him nauseous.

And his supper came up all over the house.

And ruined my sleep.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When I've Lost My Appetite

A ladleful of chili makes the chicken porridge go down!


Too Much Food And Not Enough Excercise

We no longer have a cat.

Now we now have a FAT.



Is hitting me like a brick of walls
