Sunday, March 26, 2006

I Stand Corrected

Some Things Just Grow On You...Like Music!

I was wrong. Even though I wasn't immediately attracted to Corrine May and Switchfoot, they've sort of grown on me.

In chronological order? Switchfoot first. They've got an advantage because they are male, and I do have a penchant for male vocalist's... VOICES.

Thanks to their number one fan "I love Switchfoot so much I have a I LOVE SWITCHFOOT t-shirt" Jialin for introducing them to me. Sometimes I've mistaken them for Relient K or the Paul Colman Trio. Switchfoot can't be THAT good, can they? Oh wait, it IS Switchfoot. Haha.

I thought Corrine May's vocals weren't that fantastic, but her music was easy to listen to nonetheless.

But the more I listen to her the more her music moves me, the more the music means something to me and touches my heart, taking me, carrying me off to a faraway place. Hey she has to be pretty good to do that. The only other female vocalist that can do that for me is Norah Jones. Now I want to buy Corrine May's next CD. = )

Thanks to Brian the Brain for introducing her music to a music "swakoo" (country bumpkin) like me and for Chris for continuing the journey by letting me hear her live in concert and really getting to know her soul in her music.

Hey I see a pattern here.

The girls want me to listen to boys...

And the boys want me to listen to girls.

Any more music recommendations? I'm up for experimentation, I never know what I'm going to like. Sometimes it takes a little time for me to like it too.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Inhabitants of Rottnest

The First Settlers Thought They Were Giant Rats, Hence They Called The Island :"Rat's Nest"

Look into the sweet furry face of a quokka.

Can't you see the face of an angel?

Ok maybe not.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Let's Play!


Gone are the days when playing "house" meant barbie dolls and plastic tea sets.

Now playing "House" means trying to figure out the diagnosis of a difficult case before Dr House on the television does.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Today In Obstetrics

Only in Australia will wine bottles be used for things other than containing wine.

One of the best ways to push back an everted uterus in a cow is to stick a long bottle of wine in (riesling works best, because it is normally in a long bottle!).

For the same problem in sheep we were told that "Fountain" brand soy sauce bottles work really well. Not Kikkoman though, thats a completely different shape.

The soy sauce bottles have to stay in though, right up until the sheep next gives birth!


Singlish is my default tongue.

It takes a lot of brain power to speak in normal English.

Just listen to me when I am really tired LAH!

Little wonder the Australians think I'm speaking a foreign language when I am actually not. Just English with a Singaporean flavour.

Monday, March 13, 2006

ER for Produce

"A stitch in time,

saves a nectarine!"

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Love is...

Stronger than the desire a woman can have to love a man,

is the desire God has to love mankind.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Heard of Minestrone?

I've Created MISOstrone!

All the vegetables and pasta of a traditional minestrone, in a miso soup base!

Hey it's not called adulteration, it's called FUSION.

Anyway Airin says it looks really professional. So there. ; )

Monday, March 06, 2006


Not So Good?

Another group went on Saturday. At the same spot I went. With very good weather. About 10 people from the Student Village. The ringleader even snorkled! And caught a grand total of 3 crabs. Wow. I wondered if they prayed. ; )

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I Miss the BRC!

Or Could It Be Just Drug Interactions?

Little things keep reminding me about the people and animals there.

Songs heard.

Jokes shared.

Almost ALL aspects of what I'm currently studying.

Even when the lecturer discusses disinfectants I think about the Clidox we use there.

I've even started to subconsciously make soft mini-pig grunting noises when I'm bored. (Not so good during church sermons ; P).I wonder how all the piglets are growing up.

Maybe all the coffee and energy supplements I've been taking to keep alert in class are just making me slightly depressed and giving me heart palpitations. I think I should cut down on them. = )

I'm So Full of Crab

What Many People Have Already Suspected

Thank God for the harvest of crabs`we had on Friday!

38 crabs (legal size mind you, we threw back many undersized ones) by 12 girls (11 of them first-timers) in 4 hours.

Pretty good considering other groups have gone out, seen nothing, caught a crab ACCIDENTALLY, and have had to throw it back because it was undersized. Another group on the same day at another spot caught 3 crabs, by 8 people. The other group of 15 people at the same spot caught 50 to 60 crabs, well they were there for 9 hours. Kelvin brought 26 people last week to the same spot and got 50 crabs in 4 hours. Ziyuan, Kim and Anthony caught 4 crabs. A vast improvement from 1 last week for Anthony. Anthony came by and saw our catch and went: "How did you get so many?". We told him: "We prayed.= )". He told his group that they better start praying too. = D

We did pray, Carol did in my car before we set off. Bernice was in my car too and we all happened to be in the same little group catching crabs. I think we caught the bulk of the crabs. Everytime we managed to catch a crab we went : "Thank God!". The rest of the pairs and trios caught about 7 crabs per group.

Thank God for safety too. Moon fell asleep for a couple of milliseconds and for quite a bit on the way back when I saw her car sway then swerve madly. Thank God nothing worse happened.

When we got back there were 2 sinks FULL of crab. Most of them have never seen so many crabs in their lives.

We had a fun time experimenting with crabby recipes. Thanks to Flat 73, June and Ying's flat for allowing us to mess up their kitchen!

We had pepper, chilli, tomato, garlic and steamed crabs with ginger, garlic and chinese wine.

You just had to walk into the kitchens of Flat 73 and 75 and the atmosphere made it "crab heaven".

I ate crabs until I think I wouldn't want to eat any more for at least a year.

And we STILL had leftovers to feed people in other flats!

I still want to catch crabs! But I don't want to eat anymore. Ziyuan was like :"Catch and throw back?". No lah. I'll let other people eat. I just hope my boo boo sand/sandal abrasion on my big toe heals by Saturday so I can chase more crustaceans around with a giant steamboat scoop.

Oh oh thanks to Kelvin, Lydia and the other OCFers who lent me their equipment! You guys rock!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Dogs, Shy Dogs, Sweet Dogs ADOPT A DOG

At the RSPCA

Did the small animal rotation there. The first time I ever gave a dog a pill. Vet school is about a lot of first times. So many first times in fact, I forgot what my first "first time" was. = P

After today I've realised that:

Dogs drool and cats can maul you.

The moral of the story is, get into lab animals. They don't drool and don't have claws sharp enough to maul you.

Now, the PEOPLE that work in the labs could be another story altogether...(Tongue in cheek. Tongue in cheek. I'm a cheeky girl.) ; )

Head for the Hills!

Science Diet Anyone?

"The assignments are coming! The assignments are coming!"

It's actually just one for me. I just have to UNDERSTAND it before I do it.
I have to know how x-rays WORK in order to critique bad ones.

Vet really is the course for jacks-of-all-trades. We get taught how to TAKE x-rays and EVALUATE them. Whoa.

And the due date is on my birth anniversary. Great. = P