Monday, February 14, 2005

I have a hole in my nice 1 year old blue U2 spaghetti courtesy of my cat. Brought him out to meet the spunky cat next door that dares to nap with the dog next door. Tiger freaked. Struggled like anything, gave me lots of scratches on my neck and front (thank goodness his nails were BLUNT) with the nice obvious hole to boot. Why do all these things happen to my good clothes? Or my favourite ones for that matter. Maybe I should put similar holes throughout the rest of this shirt to make a new fashion statement. I know blue is out this season anyway (thanks Buffy!). Apparently the colours of the season are brown and pink. Pink? Me in pink? Better note down the date I do it to buy TOTO. I already am starting a new trend : wear your pet on your clothes. If you ever choose to keep a cat, colour coordinate it with your clothes. Orange sticks out like a sore thumb among most of my earthy coloured clothes. (Don't worry Meow Meow I still love you to bits!)

Uploading the latest Michael Buble onto Al's computer. We are both fans! That's why we are siblings. = )
Buble! Oooh....liquid sensuality....Just hearing his voice makes the hair on my neck tingle, my muscles loosen and an immediate penchant to sway in some kind of weird ballroom dance.

I know its been ages since I've been here. Goes to show how intense vet can get. Studies are pretty high on my priority list when I do get down to it.

Hi Jordan! (Nice girl who sells Christian tees at J8). Animal lovers of the world unite!

I seem to be bumping into more and more future vets and vet wannabes. It's so cool! Is it just my imagination or is becoming an alternative species doctor becoming more mainstream? I love to help these people out. If they want help that is. It's such a great feeling to see somebody start off on the path of their dreams.

My body is aching. Possibly the HALF inch heels I am training myself to wear. Taking things slow. Maybe I can make it to one inch in half a year. Or trying to wrestle Jawn like a sheep. Bad idea. The "prawn" (so says Samantha Tan) is built like a horse. Where does the weight go?

O wait I just realised for the third time today. HAPPY V DAY EVERYBODEE! Frankly I'm just happy to have dear friends anyday of the year. I've also just realised I still haven't spent any V day with a lover nearby (aka on the same soil). It's alright, I don't mind much, I pretty much feel treasured in one way or the other year round. I just have to remember that I am. Most indoubitably by God. Happy happy!

"I Do I Do" review: went to see it today with Karen and Samantha Tan. Didn't start off well when us 3 gals started loudly and irreverently laughing about the Toa Payoh "cheena" (chinesey) theatre and the couple in front of us abruptly stood up and strove off to find seats as far away from us as possible. Not a good start. Not a very whizz bang start to the movie but mildly entertaining enough. From the start credits I had the feeling it was a pretty low budget film. The animation team either didn't have enough funds or didn't know what they were supposed to do. Sometimes it bordered on cartooniness till I thought I was watching an old Wile E. Coyote toon and sometimes the realism was almost close to reality. Keyword almost. More exposed movie audiences would probably feel a twinge of unease knowing how unreal things looked. Did Jack Neo know what kind of feel the film should have? Quirky cartoonish with larger than life characters or down-to-earth with realism the driving force? Riding both sides of the fence does no good to the film. Entertaining nonetheless with an unexpected twist at the end. 3 out of 5 dilated pupils.

I need to bathe now. Me doing it late bothers my parents who think I will prematurely develop arthritis if I do and me doing it at all bothers my brother who gets bothered by the noisy tap. Try living with flatmates who bathe more than once a day at weird hours of the day. And my room is next to the pipes as well. = D