Saturday, November 05, 2005

It always rains on Triple Crown night, apparently. Is God crying at the hundreds of people giving themselves away to the effects of alcohol?

Triple Crown is the major drinking event to the end of each semester. Basically a slosh-fest. This was the first one I've seen up close in all my 3 years here. Lots of really drunk people stumbling everywhere, a girl had to be resuscitated, people randomly pashing people, skimpily dressed girls (it was definitely 15 degrees or less) and long queues of people waiting for the porter-potties clutching their crotches (maybe they shouldn't have waited too long to go to the loo, or maybe they were busy pashing a skimpily dressed girl somewhere ...). Seeing Triple Crown up close reminds me that lots of very drunk strangers make me feel uncomfortable, which is why I probably don't attend many of the vet school socials where drinking until you can't remember anything is the focus of the day. Hey I'm not against drinking per se, even Jesus turned water into wine! Excess anything can be bad for me, I don't really like the feeling of drinking too much. 1 drink keeps me warm, which could be a fallacy as blood vessels dilate, quite possibly losing heat. It also makes me dopey, which can be a good thing if I want to sleep. on a tangent again...

After the Kelly Clarkson concert I went to with Carol who had an extra ticket, we rushed (within the speed limit of course) back to the tav where Carol had a ticket to meet her friends. We came 15 minutes shy of 11pm and the strict security guard didn't let her in even though the party stops at 1am. He even told us to clear the area. Which we did. While Carol was trying desperately to call her friends who were either too drunk to hear their phones or it was too noisy to hear anything else in the first place we hung out outside the main entrance which happened to be under the tav balcony on the 2nd floor. Some dodgy semi-drunk guy smoking near us tried to stare at me, I looked the other way and prayed "Dear Lord please protect me and Carol".

For some unknown reason Carol decided to stand next to the entrance under shelter and I followed her. 15 seconds later, in the exact spot where we were standing, a plastic picnic TABLE came crashing down, followed soon after by its legs. Simultaneously Carol went "O MY GAWD!" while I went "Thank God!".

That was how God saved Carol and I from a falling table on Triple Crown night. = )


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