Monday, April 10, 2006

A Paradox

I'm come to the conclusion that the less I study the more I actually know how to do an exam.

Take today, I studied a day before my Imaging exam and I knew how to do it.

In other units such as "Epidemiology, Public Health and Diagnosis" and "Life and the Universe" I studied one, at most two days tops for those and did amazingly well.

On the other hand, I could study for days and weeks on Pharmacology, Pathology, Parasitology and Anatomy and do marginally alright.

Maybe I should just study less.

Or maybe I'm just more Physics inclined and x-rays make a lot of sense to me.

Or maybe there was just less material to go through.

Or maybe because I actually got sufficient sleep the night before to manage to take the exam without the help of Red Bull or V.

Or could it be because I just spent more time playing DOTA in between studying?

Or could it be because I opened up many more colours of pretty pens to make my mid maps with? Mind maps can start to get a litle boring with the same old colours.

Or maybe it's just my mind maps. They have saved me so many times. It's much easier to remember one picture than a stack of notes. Thanks dad for teaching me how to make them!

Or maybe I should just study less and leave more time for gaming...


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