Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Warp speed internet! Coolness! Thanks Andrew for ringing up the IT helpdesk!

Now I can tag the YM blog all I want.....muahahaha...

Remember the stalker/prankster? A few weeks ago there was this written on our flat whiteboard "somebody called you in the morning but you weren't awake sleeping beauty". I never found out who was the person who called. Neh.

Had this weird dream. May have been related to all the mucking out I did at the pacing stables. I dreamt that I was in a farm with 1000 horses in stables, 1000 cows and 1000 sheep. In the stables the poor horses were elbow (horse elbow) deep in manure. Now I know horses poop a lot, but this was ridiculous. Weird.

I think God has really been wanting to show me how much He loves me. He's just pouring down his favour on me. A lot of what I've been praying for has come true! Half of which relate for other people and the other half requests for myself. Bernice came to the Lord. Yay! June doesn't have to stay another extra semester at extra expense. Yay! I asked God to hold the rain while I did laundry for a couple of hours and He did! Not even a drizzle happened! Even when I don't really ask God for anything in particular, I just feel so blessed by Him. I get into church and theres not a drop of rain anywhere, once I sit down it POURS. Wow. What can I say, God is great! All glory to Him!


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