Monday, November 07, 2005

Holstein-Friesian (milk breed)mooey at Rob and Libby's Peter's & Brownes dairy farm looking hornily at the tiny Angus (beef breed) bull next door. Rob says the bull needs a step-ladder to mate, but somehow he always manages!

The first calf a Holstein-Friesian has is usually by this black Angus bull to facilitate birth. (Moral of the story? Girls, find a small husband to have easy childbirth. = P) It's also easy to identify these babies as the Angus black gene is dominant. So all the black calves and male black-and-whites go for beef.

Oh yeah there are no Holstein-Friesian bulls on the farm, if they want more milking cows they draw a vial of frozen sperm from deep-freeze and artificially inseminate a fertile cow with it. Rob and Libby like to experiment with different pedigree bull sperm, sometimes it's like a lucky draw! Or a box of chocolates...

These bulls that donate their sperm well...they are bred/trained to LIKE mating with an artificial cow so their sperm can be collected.


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