Monday, July 11, 2005

Unbelievable! Back in Singapore already! The semester really flew by!
Will now be a time of catching up with family and friends (although just lazing around the house sounds really good after a jam-packed semester people maketh the sharon happy. Tee hee hee).
NOW I know how Al fell on his face in Fraser's. I keep getting regaled with funnier versions each time and I just keep laughing.
Shannon said after the fall in the toilet Al stared at him selfin the mirror with a stone face then went in his funny way :"Oh S#*T!". And the laughing from the youth hasn't stopped since.
Evan said Al was trying to do some parkour thing over the balcony wall. I wish I was there to see it. My dear bro please take lessons from Jawn (the yabbe : hard shell prawn?!) if you want to do death-defying stunts like that. I only have one genetic brother no?
Farm attachment was a lot of fun and learning. I think Adi is avoiding me now because of how I castrated the lambs...
Graphic details in the rest of the post! Not for the faint of heart! (Or groin...)
I tried a few lambs with the "Elastrator TM". A teeny green rubber ring goes into this 4-way pliers that opens up, pop the balls in and release. The poor lambs walk a little funny afterwards. With the blood supply cut off the balls fall off in a couple of weeks. Apparently this method of castration has a very low chance of infection.
And WHY must it be done? The farmer doesn't want random babies poppping up of inferior breeding (which he has to spend money on to feed) and babies popping up when there is no green feed for them and their mums in the dry summer for example. It's all a question of good management.
The calves were done standing up in the stall with a knife. Slice open the skin, pull the balls out and slice those off. Nils the farmer was really good at it, he has a 0% death rate from this minor surgery.
I did this and much more at Penny and Nil's "Olimarena" (sandy area). But I figured everybody has a morbid fascination with castration. = )
Now to unpack prezzies from Perth.


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