All About My PosteriorI Like My Big Butt and I Cannot LieYes, I have the Asian equivalent of J Lo's behind.
Which makes it one of the favourite parts of my body, but also makes it very difficult for me to find clothes that just fit, not even flatter, it properly.
The peasant skirts that are all the rage now? I cannot wear. My tush looks out of proportion to the rest of my body.
And I realise a lot of the clothes in Singapore are meant for small girls with no behinds.
And most of the clothes in Australia are meant for big girls with average behinds.
And I can't wear children's bottoms in Australia because there is simply no room for my tushy in them. (Children's clothes in Australia are amazingly miniature versions of adult's clothes. o_0
And there, is my bottom(less? more?) dilemma.
Darryl go shopping with me. Put your superior taste to work. Help me find nice bottoms! = D